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Is Chanting as good as taking an Ibuoprofen?

I've taken an interest in researching alternative avenues to reduce inflammation in the body. As someone with Psoriasis and Psoriatic Arthritis, I wanted to explore different treatments other than Steroid creams, Meloxicam, opioids, and anti-depressants.

A year ago a friend recommended Turmeric and Ginger supplementation. Immediately I noticed a reduction in stiffness in my joints.

Diet has also proved to reduce inflammation as well, and the Autoimmune Protocol and Whole 30 Diets greatly aided in providing relief as well.

Lately I've been researching Vagus Nerve stimulation, which aids in reducing the 'fight or flight' response of the Nervous System, and in turn reduces the inflammatory response. We call this increasing Vagal Tone.

The vagus nerve has been termed the 'wandering' nerve because of it's far reach. It goes from the brain, down the esophagus, to the heart, intestines and diaphragm. This means that the vagus nerve is involved in anything from gut to regulating heart rate/breathing rate to swallowing/vocalizing.

The most interesting part to the equation is how we stimulate the vagus nerve.

Exercises to increase Vagal tone involve stimulating the voice box, which includes chanting, humming and singing. And we wonder why monks are so serene! They're constantly working on their Vagal tone to reduce systemic inflammation and reduce the 'fight or flight' response of the human body! This also aids in linking the physiologic response to singing in the shower, humming along to a song in the car, and even attending church and singing along with the choir!

Do you have chronic pain?

Has your Vagal tone been assessed??

Warm up those voice boxes and belt out your favorite song!

You may notice improvements in various systems including digestion, joints, brain fog, and overall reduction of pain!

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Apr 14, 2020

good read Dr Mia

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